In this story Sam is in trouble for being late. Find out how his grandfather treats him and how the dynamics in their relationship change.
"Hi, sir. Are you alright?" Sam Richards was concerned. He had just come out of a shopping mall, when he saw an older gentleman sweating and massaging his chest. Sam had been to a first aid course recently on request of his parents and thought the man might had a heart attack. "I'm alright. Just a little pain in the chest." "Come, sit down, sir." Sam was leading the man to a nearby bench. "Try to relax and breathe calmly. I'm Sam by the way." "Nathaniel Rodriguez." The man introduced himself with a groan, clutching his left side. "Is the pain getting worse?" Nathaniel nodded. "Don't worry. Do you mind, if I loosen your tie?" "No, son." Sam was also taking Mr. Rodriguez's pulse. It was racing. "I'll be back in a moment, Mr. Rodriguez." "I'm not going anywhere." Mr. Rodriguez promised. Sam went to the next phone booth and called 911. Then he returned to Nathaniel Rodriguez, who had turned ashen faced. "How are you keeping, Mr. Rodriguez?" "Not good." "An ambulance is on the way. We are going to take care of you. It's going to be alright." "I doubt it. I'm going to die." "Don't say that! You won't. You are strong." Mr. Rodriguez groaned. "Call me Roddy and tell me more about yourself." He asked to put off his mind from the excruciating pain. "Well, I'm thirteen and live in California. My parents are on a business trip, so my younger sisters McKenzie, Ava and I are staying with my grandfather." "Do you like it?" "Well, it's not the first time we're staying with Grandpa. I like it, though." Roddy told Sam about his wife Angela, daughter Gina and son Russell. Soon enough the ambulance arrived and took Roddy to the hospital. One of the ambulance staff took Sam's details.
"Oh, shit!" Sam swore, when a look on his watch revealed he was going to be late.
Dinner was served at six o' clock on the dot. When Sam arrived, the table was already cleared and an angry grandfather was waiting.
"Sam, what did we discuss last week, and what did I promise you?" Sam was a little bit embarrassed to discuss the issue with his grandfather. Still, he kept eye contact, and answered: "My unpunctualness and you would continue the family tradition." "That's right. Let's go to my office and get it over and done with." "No, Grandpa, I have a ...." "Samuel Andrew, you might charm others and talk your way out of difficult situations, but not with me. You want to save your skin." Sam couldn't keep his temper in check and didn't like his grandfather's pun. He replied heated: "Let me explain." "Samuel, there is nothing to explain. You were late. Full stop. If I don't punish you, you won't take me serious." "Grandpa, I would take you much more serious, if you would let me tell you, why I'm late." "You are looking for cheap excuses and I won't have it! Go now!" "No, I won't. I sa.." "Samuel, you better obey or I'll spank you here. Do you want your sisters to see?" "Grandpa, I haven't deserved..." "Samuel Andrew, the longer you protest, the worse it's going to be. Give in." "No!" Sam barely kept from stamping his foot. "Okay, another word and you get ten strokes instead of five. Move!" Sam stood his ground. "I won't!" "As you wish." Ivan Richards took a menacing step towards Sam, unbuckling the belt he was wearing. Sam took a step back. He was angry and frightened. Ivan Richards was of course taller and stronger, so Sam had to rethink his position. His grandfather could do with him what he liked. Sam thought about running away, but knew the situation wouldn't go away. What was better? Not giving in and getting spanked in the hallway or obey and have more privacy? Sam was aware there was no escape. Why make it more difficult for him? "You win, but you are going to be sorry and I hate you! You are absolutely self righteous and unfair. You don't deserve my respect, and I'm going to ignore you. For weeks!" Ivan's own temper was rising, and he was hurt. He was doing the right thing. Ivan didn't think Sam was going to be able to ignore him, at least not for weeks. Ivan understood that Sam was going to be upset about being punished and to overcome his feelings needed a couple of days time, but when Sam was clear thinking again, he was going to admit his punishment had been deserved. "Sam, I said, if you would protest, you would get more strokes. You've done just that, so I'm going to whip your ass ten times, and you are the one, who is going to be sorry." "Maybe for a short time, but what you are planning to do is hard to forgive. You are abusing me. Your methods are outdated!" "A sore bottom has never done any harm." It outraged Sam. "You are so old fashioned!" "Are you over with talking?" "No, I'm not!" "You better shut up, before your big mouth gets you into more trouble." "I don't give a damn, you old fool!" "You are going to care, when you feel the first of fifteen strokes." "In your dreams!" Sam spat at his grandfather.
Sam had never been spanked before. His maternal grandmother had smacked his bottom a couple of times. It hadn't hurt, but the experience had been quite humiliating.
When Sam and Ivan had spoken about Sam's lateness, Ivan had told Sam in clear terms, should Sam be late again, he would spank his bare butt with great grandfather David's belt. Sam had tried to dissuade Ivan, explaining Jack, Ivan's son and Sam's father, wouldn't approve of this type of punishment. Ivan had countered: "Your father is not here. While I'm responsible for you, I'll discipline you in any way I see fit. As long as you keep to the basic rule of being on time, you have nothing to fear."
Sam admitted he had pushed his grandfather in the past weeks and wouldn't have dared to do the same with his father. At least Sam's Dad would have given Sam the chance to explain himself. They trusted each other, and Dad would have believed him. Until now Sam had felt the same trust with his grandfather. Sam thought, if Ivan went through with spanking him, it would be lost and he didn't know, if it would ever come back.
With high held head Sam entered the home office. It was more like a study. Sam liked the smell of the antique books and cigars his grandfather smoked. At the moment Sam felt like he was walking to his execution. Sure, the spanking was going to hurt, but his grandfather wasn't going to kill him.
Jack Richards had found himself bent over the same mahagony desk countless times, when he was growing up. The experience had been dramatic for Jack and swore should he have ever kids he would never raise his hands against them. He stood to his word.
Ivan Richards was reminiscing. Sam reminded him very much of Jack. His youngest son had also liked to protest and discuss until the last moment. Sam and Jack didn't look similar. Jack was blond, honey colored to be precise. A lot of people were surprised Jack's eye color wasn't green or blue. They were amber. Sam was dark haired, and his eyes were intense green. The character was similar. Both could be stubborn and own minded. Jack and Sam were social and compassionate and of course had a sense of fairness. Ava was showing similar character traits. She had an even shorter temper than the males of the clan.
In the office Sam followed Ivan's instructions without further protest. Sam was still very angry and upset. He didn't see why he should get punished, when he had a good reason for breaking a rule. The position he found himself in was uncomfortable. He was bent over the desk, the edge was pressing into his hips, and his pants pooled around his ankles. It was embarrassing for Sam. He watched closely what his grandfather was doing. Ivan was opening the top drawer and removed an old leather belt. It was quite thick and Sam didn't try to think what was going to happen within the next minute or so. Ivan gave Sam a chance to have a good look at the chosen instrument, letting it rest on the desk. Ivan straightened up and moved behind Sam. With a deft pull Sam's underpants joined the trousers.
It was so humiliating! Sam hated his grandfather. Ivan picked up the belt and folded it in front of Sam. Ivan's grandson closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Ivan didn't delay any further. He believed the first lash had to make an impression, so it was very hard and landed at the center of Sam's buttocks. Sam didn't make a sound. He stubbornly refused to show it hurt like the dickens. Ivan sighed. Why couldn't Sam simply admit it was painful? Well, he wasn't going to stay quiet much longer. The next few strokes were lighter. Sam still didn't cry out, but tears were running down Sam's face. After seven or eight strokes he was shouting at the top of his lungs and didn't care if the whole neighborhood could hear him. The screams and tears continued until the number of strokes were completed. Ivan was surprised Sam didn't beg for mercy or promised to be good. Ivan had counted loud. Sam was glad, because it didn't leave him in the dark how many more of those blistering strokes were to come.
Sam kept his temper in check and his position throughout the ordeal by imaging he was strangling his grandfather. Staying bent over proved a challenge, but Sam knew, if he would get out of position, he would never have the courage to take the rest of the whacks. It was not in his interest, so he concentrated on his anger and managed to hang on. The pain was searing, and Sam believed he was unable to sit for the next few years. How was he ever going to sleep?
Ivan dropped the belt unceremoniously on the desk. He touched Sam's shoulder, but was rebuffed. Sam shook it off and gave Ivan a murderous glare. "Sam, I love you and you are forgiven." Sam didn't reply, still staring hard into Ivan's eyes. His grandfather sighed again. "You can get up and dressed, if you like." Sam didn't wait a second longer. He brushed away the tears brusque and pulled up his clothing without grimacing or trying to rub away the sting. Ivan was impressed. "Do you want a hug?" Sam saw no need for an answer. "Alright, you can leave."
Sam closed the door behind him with a bang. Ivan decided to let it pass.
Sam went straight to his room, undressed and took an ice cold shower. It soothed the pain a bit.
Sam felt like he could beat up somebody. To release some of his anger he would have normally sat down and written on his novel. The first was out of the question, so Sam grabbed his note book and favorite pen, lay on his stomach and started scribbling furiously on his bed.
He heard Grandpa bring Mac and Ava to bed. Mac, whose real name was McKenzie Anne, was eight, Ava was a year younger.
Sam's stomach knotted and the hatred rose like bile.
A little bit later there was a knock on Sam's door. He didn't reply. "Sam, Kristie has prepared some sandwiches for you. I'll leave them outside for you." Ivan shouted through the door. Kristie was Grandpa's housekeeper.
Even if Sam was hungry, he didn't want to touch anything his grandfather had held in his hands, so the plate remained untouched.
Sam slept badly. He didn't go down to join the rest of the family at breakfast. He wasn't in the mood for conversation nor could he sit comfortable. Sam's bottom was still red and had a few bruises. Sam was smarting about his treatment. He could deal with the physical pain, but his emotions were in turmoil.
Mac, always a little bit more attuned to her brother's feelings, checked on him. She was surprised to find Sam on his stomach and writing.
She and Ava weren't aware of Sam's punishment. Grandpa had deposited Ava and Mac with a neighbor after dinner. It didn't occur to Mac or Ava that it had anything to do with Sam being late. They thought it was a nice touch. Normally their grandfather was much stricter with bed time, so they enjoyed playing with the neighbor's child, who was around the same age as they were. Time was flying by, and they hadn't realized nearly two hours had passed.
"Are you sick?" Mac asked. She had a fashionable black bob, and her blue eyes showed concern. Sam was in a foul mood. "No, just not feeling like company." "Oh, alright." Before leaving Sam alone she asked curious: "Why are you writing on the bed and not at the writing desk?" "It took my fancy." Sam replied short and was about to loose his temper. Mac had never heard the word. "What does fancy mean?" "Starting to like something, an inclination or a whim. Now scoot off. I'm sure your Barbies are waiting." Mac lingered a little bit longer. "What?" Sam asked on the brink of removing his sister by force. "Remember, we are playing softball this afternoon. You promised to come. Do you?" "Of course, I'm coming." Sam sighed. He had forgotten about it completely. Sam kept his promises, so he was going to support his younger sisters. He didn't know how he was ever going to manage, but he would play.
Being hungry he abandoned his writing and went to the pantry, meeting his grandfather in the kitchen. Beside an angry glare, Sam ignored Ivan and didn't answer any of his questions. Ivan had asked how Sam was feeling and when his grandson was joining the rest of the family for meals again. Ivan didn't understand why Sam was holding a grudge. It was atypical for him. Ivan hadn't realized Sam had meant what he said.
"Still sore?" Grandpa asked, when Sam ate standing. The look Sam gave his grandfather was very dark indeed. Ivan was glad looks couldn't kill. "It should be better tomorrow and in a few days any marks should be gone." Sam was tempted to throw the plate on Ivan's head. He resisted and simply left.
Ava was disappointed. They had lost, because Sam hadn't played as usual. she was a bad looser and ambitious, so she shouted at Sam. Her brother was tempted to do violence to her or at least shout back, but decided against it. Calmly he replied he would take the next game more serious. While playing Sam couldn't move as fast as he liked or slide, but was too proud to admit he was in pain. He would have had to explain why, and that would have been too embarrassing for him.
Sam's grandfather had been right. After another night sitting was bearable. Sam avoided it, though, preferring to stand or lie on his stomach.
There was a ring of the door bell. Sam was the first to be at the door. A woman in her forties and two teenagers, slightly older than Sam was standing in front of him. The boy seemed familiar, but Sam couldn't figure out why. "Are you Samuel Richards?" the lady asked. "Yes." "I am Angela Rodriguez and these are my children Gina and Russell." Suddenly everything was clear. Sam invited Nathaniel Rodriguez's family in. He hoped Nathaniel was on the mend. When they were settled in the kitchen, Sam asked: "How is Roddy doing?" "He is going to recover thanks to you." Mrs. Rodriguez replied. Sam was embarrassed. "Oh, it was nothing. I'm sure anybody else would have helped as well." "Your quick and correct decisions saved Roddy's live. We are very grateful." Mrs. Rodriguez countered. At that stage Ivan entered. He had heard the bell and wanted to check who it was. Sam behaved as if his grandfather was invisible. There was a tense silence until Angela Rodriguez broke it. She introduced herself and the kids. Ivan explained he was Sam's grandfather. "Mr. Richards, you must be very proud of your grandson." "Proud? What did he do?" Mrs. Rodriguez glanced between grandfather and grandson. "Hasn't Sam told you?" Ivan blushed. He looked at Sam and said: "No, he couldn't, because I didn't give him the chance." Mrs. Rodriguez enlightened Ivan, whose face lost all color, when she was finished. "Sam, I'm sorry." Sam behaved as if he hadn't heard. "You see, I punished Sam, because he was late, unfairly, as I now know." "I hope you make up soon. Life is too short..." Mrs. Rodriguez said. Sam replied smoothly: "I'm sure we make up at some stage, Mrs. Rodriguez." His grandfather was ashamed and felt guilty. He wanted to talk with Sam, but seeing Sam's unapproachable demeanor, made it clear Sam wasn't willing. The Rodriguez's stayed not very long. They had brought a small gift and promised to be there for Sam, if he should be in need or had a wish.
Ava and McKenzie recognized something had been going on between Grandpa and Sam. They didn't talk or at least Sam didn't talk, and they hadn't seen Sam during meal times for the next couple of days. When he took part again, he behaved normal to his sisters, his grandfather didn't exist for him.
"Sam, you have ignored me now for three weeks. You are leaving the day after tomorrow and I'd like to have the air cleared, before you return home." "Okay." Sam agreed. Ivan was surprised how easy it had been. Sam had rebuffed a few earlier attempts of his grandfather to make up for his mistake. Ivan and Sam shared a passion for hotels, so Ivan invited Sam to his favorite hotel, the Knickerbocker in Chicago, for brunch.
Sam's temper had cooled down over the weeks. His grandfather apologized over Eggs Benedict and French Toast. Sam accepted. "I believe you are sorry. Still it doesn't take away the experience, does it?" Grandfather shook his head. He looked wretched. "At the moment I can't forgive or forget. I hope I can later, but I'm not sure." Ivan swallowed. Sam wanted to get out, what was on his mind. "You know, the spanking wasn't the worst for me. Okay, it hurt like hell, but what really upset me was that you didn't trust me and believed I would lie just to "save my skin" as you liked to formulate it. You should know me better! Even if I haven't given my consent on a spanking, I would have accepted it, had I been late for a stupid reason. I had a good one, though, and you, not even giving me the chance to explain myself made me furious." "I understand and again I'm really sorry. I promise in future I'm going to hear your side of the story and depending what you are saying I decide if and what punishment is necessary." Sam was okay with that. His grandfather didn't rule out spanking Sam in the future, which didn't make Sam happy, but hoped he could avoid it. Ivan also said Sam had one spanking good. It meant should Sam misbehave in the future and his grandfather would have spanked him for the offence, he would get another punishment instead.
Sam forgave his grandfather after a few months. Their relationship was never again the same, though.
Unintentional Ivan had taught his grandson he better shouldn't come to him, when he had made a mistake or had problems.
Do you think Sam managed to stay out of trouble? Let's find out.
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