Chair: Professor
Deltdrick Ross, Head of Electrical Engineering
Committee Members: Professor
Floyd Bohrer, Architecture
Elena O’Brien, Civil Engineering
Moses Fogel, Mineral and Mining Engineering
Witnesses: Delbert
Ballas, Electrical Engineering student
Covington Posey, Electrical Engineering student
Agnes Davis,
Electrical Engineering student
Erickson, Electrical Engineering student
Martin, Electrical Engineering student
Miller, Electrical Engineering student
O’Connell, Electrical Engineering student
Wallace, Electrical Engineering student
Logan Wittels,
Electrical Engineering student
Professor Phyllis
Bligh, Electrical Engineering
Professor Richard
Grant, Electrical Engineering
Victim: Frieda
Pianas, Electrical Engineering student
Accused: Jennifer
Miller, Electrical Engineering student
Wise, Electrical Engineering student
Deltdrick Ross is leafing through the papers in front of him.
DR: Ah, here we go:
Could Agnes C. Davis, please make it to the witness stand?
Agnes Davis looks
a bit flustered and insecure, when she takes her seat.
DR: Ms. Davis, tell us
about what you heard three weeks ago.
Agnes Davis
(AD) doesn’t look up and clasps and re-clasps her fingers: Well, Ms. Miller
started to tell something funny to Ms. Wise. I’m not sitting too far away, so I
could hear it was some kind of joke. Ms. Wise thought it was funny and laughed
out loud, drawing the attention of Mr. Ballas, Mr. Covington Posey, Mr.
Erickson, Mr. Martin, Ms. Yolanda Miller, Ms. Wallace and Mr. Wittels. I… I
tried not to listen in, but the joke Ms. Miller told next wasn’t funny in my
opinion and racist. I don’t remember the exact wording, but it went along the
line: Why do Hispanic women hate swans? Nobody knew the answer, so Ms. Miller
gave it. She said swans are beautiful and generally know who the father of
their babies is. Everyone of the group surrounding Ms. Miller laughed. I
thought it was odd Ms. Miller was telling such an inappropriate joke, since one
of her friends was Columbian American. She was encouraged by Ms. Wise to tell
another joke. That one was about a Middle Eastern, Hispanic and an American
drinking together in a bar. They all have guns. In the end the American shoots
the other two, because he thinks there are too many illegal immigrants that he
hasn’t to drink with the same twice. The small group found it funny. I didn’t.
I think Ms. Pianas heard at least one of the jokes. She was absent minded and
not talkative for the rest of the day.
EOB: Who is Ms. Pianas?
AD: She is … I mean …
was befriended with Ms. Wise and Ms. Miller. Ms. Pianas is from Columbia.
EOB: Did you speak to Ms.
Pianas about what happened?
AD (shakes her
head): Not immediately. I was too shocked
myself and wanted to talk with Mr. Wittels, my boyfriend, about it. We decided
we didn’t want anything to do with the others and Ms. Pianas probably neither.
Logan – Mr. Wittels – also thought we should inform one of our Professors,
because the student’s behavior had been unacceptable, and it was better to
hopefully stop racism before it got out of hand.
We divided the tasks. Mr. Wittles
went to Professor Bligh, while I offered Ms. Pianas to sit beside us the next
day. I told her I was sorry about the other’s behavior and not everyone was
racist. Ms. Pianas accepted our offer.
EOB: Was
this the end of it?
AD (plays with her fingers): I … No. There were two other
incidents. I don’t know if the
first had anything to do with it, but the second…
EOB: Tell
us about them.
AD: Well, about a few
days after the incident Ms. Pianas came into
class and told me she was a bit
late, because she had to go to
the administration and called the
police. Somebody had scratched her car. It’s an old timer, a Porsche from the
60ies, so the repair was going to be very expensive.
EOB: Was
the police able to locate the guilty party?
AD: Not
as far as I know.
EOB: You
said there were two incidents. What was the second one?
AD: Around two weeks
ago I was concerned. Ms Miller, Wise and
weren’t at their seats. I went looking for Ms. Pianas. One of the places I
wanted to look was the ladies rest room.
When I opened the door I was
nearly run over by Ms. Pianas. I asked what was wrong, but didn’t get an
answer. She seemed stressed and didn’t answer either where she was going to. I
followed her, and we ended up at Professor Bligh’s office. Ms. Pianas asked, if
she could talk to Professor Bligh and was granted access. I had to wait
outside. Professor Bligh asked me a few minutes later to come in and tell her
what I had seen in the rest room. It wasn’t much. I caught a short glimpse of
Ms. Miller sitting on the floor and Ms. Wise was hovering near the entrance. I
guess the three had an altercation.
EOB: Thank
you, Ms. Davis, for shedding light on the issue.
AD: Thank
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