Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Police Control

Check out Frieda's newest adventure! 

Officer Michael Green was patrolling US-78 near Birmingham, Alabama. He was a traffic cop and liked what he did.  Shortly before Easter he saw a Porsche from the sixties with a Florida number plate heading towards the border of Tennessee. It was a quite unique car and memorable for that reason. A white man was behind the wheel.
The next days passed quickly.
On Easter Sunday the same Porsche was travelling towards Birmingham. This time a Hispanic woman drove it. She kept slightly under the speed limit. Officer Green was immediately suspicious. He followed the vehicle with his patrol car, siren and lights on to indicate to the driver to stop. She complied. Michael Green was 6 ft 2 in, and weighed 199 lbs. He was trim, muscular and very proud of his figure. The officer was black haired and had brown eyes, looking serious. The lady was fairly young. He guessed around twenty. "Can I see your papers, please, ma'am?" "Sure, officer." Everything was in order. Still Officer Green wanted to be sure the young woman wasn't an illegal immigrant or a criminal. He asked for her work permit or green card, instead the lady gave him her passport. It confirmed her name was Frieda Dolores Pianas. She was turning twenty three in May and American citizen. Officer Green was surprised. For him it was still fishy. He took the documents to his car and asked his colleague at the station to run the name through their data base. "The lady is clean, Mike." It caused Officer Green some headache. He was still trying to figure out how Ms. Pianas could afford such a car at her age. He never thought Hispanics made enough money... Well, Ms. Pianas' parents must be wealthy. He was jealous, thinking about his own meager salary. Officer Green wasn't corrupt, so he didn't smash the Porsche's back light or claimed Ms. Pianas was over the speed limit. If he had had any reason to give her a ticket, though, he would have done it with glee. Officer Green was dismayed to let the Hispanic go.


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