Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Hearing - Part 1

This is about Frieda Pianas, the fiancée of  Coldham Fintan “Fin” Noose III. During the coming days you find out more about what happened exactly. Friends of the couple try to influence the outcome of the hearing. Lets see if it’s working or not.


Chair:                           Professor Deltdrick Ross, Head of Electrical Engineering

Committee Members:   Professor Floyd Bohrer, Architecture
                                    Professor Elena O’Brien, Civil Engineering
                                    Professor Moses Fogel, Mineral and Mining Engineering

Witnesses:                    Delbert Ballas, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Frank Covington Posey, Electrical Engineering student
Agnes Davis, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Carlo Erickson, Electrical Engineering student
                                    John Martin, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Yolanda Miller, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Angeline O’Connell, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Jennifer Wallace, Electrical Engineering student
Logan Wittels, Electrical Engineering student
Professor Phyllis Bligh, Electrical Engineering
Professor Richard Grant, Electrical Engineering

Victim:                         Frieda Pianas, Electrical Engineering student

Accused:                      Jennifer Miller, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Dina Wise, Electrical Engineering student

Deltdrick Ross (DR)     Can we please have the first witness Delbert Z. Ballas?

Delbert Z. Ballas (DB) enters and takes a seat on the witness chair.

DR:                              Mr. Ballas, could you please tell us, what happened three weeks ago shortly before Professor Bligh’s class started?

DB (fiddling with his cuff links): Well…

DR (impatiently):           Yes?

DB:                              Well, Jennifer was telling a joke to Dina. I was wondering what was so funny and went to them.

Floyd Bohrer (FB):       When you speak of Dina and Jennifer you mean Dina Wise and Jennifer Miller. Is this correct?

DB:                              Yes, sir.

DR:                              Did Ms Miller tell another joke?

DB:                              Yes.

Elena O’Brien (EOB):   What was the joke about?

DB:                              I’m very bad with jokes.

Moses Fogel (MF):      You don’t have to repeat the joke, but tell us roughly the content.

DB:                              I think it was a comparison between swans and Hispanic women.

DR (sternly):                 What did you do?

DB:                              I thought it was funny and laughed together with them. We weren’t alone anymore. Frank, Carlo, John, Yolanda, Angeline and Jennifer W. were surrounding us.

DR:                              Didn’t you find it a bit racist?

DB (blushes and plays further with his cuff links): Not at the time.

MF:                              How did the others react?

DB:                              They were laughing, too. Dina asked for another joke before Professor Bligh arrived.

EOB:                            What did Ms. Miller do?

DB:                              She complied and told a bar joke.

FB:                               Can you tell us more?

DB (looks unhappy):     No, I forgot about it.

FB (ironic):                   Was it at least funny?

DB:                              As far as I can remember yes.

MF:                              Was it again racist?

DB:                              I … I don’t remember.

EOB:                            Sure?

DB:                              Yes, ma’am.

DR:                              That’s all, Mr. Ballas. You can leave.


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