Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Hearing - Part 10


Chair:                           Professor Deltdrick Ross, Head of Electrical Engineering

Committee Members:   Professor Floyd Bohrer, Architecture
                                    Professor Elena O’Brien, Civil Engineering
                                    Professor Moses Fogel, Mineral and Mining Engineering

Witnesses:                    Delbert Ballas, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Frank Covington Posey, Electrical Engineering student
Agnes Davis, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Carlo Erickson, Electrical Engineering student
                                    John Martin, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Yolanda Miller, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Angeline O’Connell, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Jennifer Wallace, Electrical Engineering student
Logan Wittels, Electrical Engineering student
Professor Phyllis Bligh, Electrical Engineering
Professor Richard Grant, Electrical Engineering

Victim:                         Frieda Pianas, Electrical Engineering student

Accused:                      Jennifer Miller, Electrical Engineering student
                                    Dina Wise, Electrical Engineering student

DR:                              We have heard all the witnesses. Can we please have Frieda D. Pianas, the victim?

Frieda Pianas enters the room. She holds her head high.

DR:                              Welcome, Ms. Pianas, please take a seat.

Frieda Pianas (FP):       Thank you, Professor Ross.

DR:                              Can you tell us what happened during the last few weeks and please leave nothing out.

FP (looks self assured): Of course. It all started three weeks ago. I was running a bit late, because of bad traffic. When I entered the class room a small circle of my fellow students surrounded my friends Jennifer Miller and Dina Wise. They were laughing. When I came nearer I heard Jennifer telling a joke about Hispanics and their hatred for swans. Dina asked Jennifer to tell another joke before Professor Bligh arrived. Again the joke was about minorities. Nearly everyone in the circle seemed to enjoy what they were hearing. They laughed.

EOB:                            How did you feel about the situation?

FP:                               I didn’t mind the other students so much. I was more hurt about Dina’s and Jennifer’s behavior, because I thought we were friends and felt like I had been stabbed in the back by them.

EOB:                            Thank you, Ms. Pianas. Did you confront them?

FP:                               I wanted to – badly in fact. I restrained myself, though, and planned to wait for a private moment and when I was calmer. I was unconcentrated and looking forward to my lunch break. I didn’t spend it with my friends. When I returned I had to go to the rest room. I was in one of the cubicles, when others entered. I was surprised to hear Jennifer and Dina complain of having spent too much time with chili dippers and couldn’t wait until they graduated. They started to discuss how so many Hispanics could afford to study, including me and used a few more derogatory terms, like spic and much more. Dina and Jennifer were gossiping about me, concluding my car was stolen, my fiancé a creation, and my parents were illegal immigrants. I didn’t intend to eavesdrop, but since I still had to use the toilet I couldn’t avoid it. I was fuming, and when I finally was able to leave the cubicle, I opened the door with a crash, getting the attention of my former friends. I told them how disappointed I was and that in future I wouldn’t bother them. They looked ashamed, and I left it at that.

EOB:                            Were your troubles over?

FP:                               No. It was a week later, when I was at that rest room again, washing my hands, when I was suddenly pushed and bumped against the sink. Jennifer was standing behind me and grabbed my hair, and pulled it. Jennifer believed I had gone to Professor Bligh, telling her about the jokes. When my denial wasn’t satisfactory to her, Jennifer increased the pull on my hair. Dina was keeping an eye out and warned Jennifer somebody was approaching. The grip on my hair loosened. I freed myself and pushed Jennifer, so that I had a chance to escape. I ran towards the door and nearly collided with Agnes Davis, who wanted to enter. She had been looking for me. I was very upset and went straight to Professor Bligh. I didn’t like being threatened and called names.

EOB:                            What did Professor Bligh do?

FP:                               She sent me home and promised to deal with my former friends. I was glad, when I heard a day or so later they were suspended.

EOB:                            Ms. Davis also mentioned your car was scratched. Do you think it has something to do with the first two incidents?

FP (frowns):                 I don’t want to speculate.

EOB:                            Let’s phrase it differently: Do you believe one or both of them are capable of damaging your car?

FP:                               I guess if they are angry enough…

EOB:                            Did the situation have any impact on you?

FP:                               I had a bruise on my hip from the bang against the sink. The psychological impact was more traumatic. I didn’t want to go to college, felt down and had nightmares.

EOB:                            Thank you, Ms. Pianas.

MF:                              Before all this happened, did you have an argument with Ms. Miller and/or Ms. Wise?

FP:                               No. That’s why their behavior came as a total surprise.

MF:                              Did you offend them maybe?

FP (keeps her emotion under control):  Not that I’m aware of.

FB:                               I have a question. Why didn’t you go to one of your teachers or Professor Ross, when Ms. Miller was telling jokes? I’m sure they would have appreciated the information.

FP:                               Originally I wanted to talk with Jennifer and Dina about what they did, but when I overheard their conversation at the rest room, I told them clearly how I felt and that I didn’t want any contact with them in future. I truly believed it was over.

FB:                               You are aware your word stands against Ms. Miller’s and Ms. Wise’s word. There are no other witnesses to confirm what you overheard or what happened in the ladies bath room. Did you try to take revenge for the jokes by lying about the two other incidents?

FP (blushes and takes a deep breath before answering. Her eyes are blazing): Everyone who knows me is going to tell you I’m pretty straight forward and not vengeful. As I explained earlier of course I was angry and hurt, but it never occurred to me to take revenge. For me it was clear I was going to ignore my former friends and get on with my life. I have better things to do than execute a plan of how to damage Dina’s and Jennifer’s reputation or get rid of them.

FB (smiles):                  I’m sorry. We just had to cover all eventualities.

FP (her skin color has returned to its normal tone, and she is calm again): I understand.

DR:                              Ms. Pianas, how should Ms. Wise and Ms. Miller be punished?

FP:                               I’d like to say I’d be happy if they were suspended for a while. Unfortunately I believe what they have done was too severe, their return would seriously hamper my own ability to study, because I would fear an attack or to be undermined by them. There is also the problem that they might do the same to another student from a minority. I think they should be expelled.

DR:                              Has anyone questions left?

The rest of the committee didn’t, so Frieda Pianas was allowed to leave.


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