Friday, July 26, 2013


"You can't quit!" Ai Breen, Frieda Pianas' work colleague and friend, said. "I can." Frieda replied calm. "Why did you study in the first place, if you give up your job as soon as you are getting married?! We don't live in the 50ies!" Frieda, who was Colombian and looked the part, took a sip from her coffee. "It has nothing to do with being a house wife because I'm getting married. Jade believes I'm not invested enough into the company since I was off in November for a long weekend and then I was away for nearly three weeks when I was in Yap and now the request for four and a half months unpaid vacation for my honey moon. I thought it best to quit and afterwards look for a new job." Frieda didn't mention her plans. Coldham Fintan Noose III, her fiancé, and she had agreed to start a family. Frieda was fortunate Fin, as her fiancé was nicknamed, earned enough so that she could resign any time she liked.
"Can't you make a shorter holiday?" "No. I'm only getting married once, Ai. We want it to be very special and create a long lasting memory." "I think I've never heard somebody taking such a long honey moon... I'm jealous!" "I can imagine." Frieda said smiling to her friend. Ai was Japanese, Vietnamese and Irish descent and looked exotic. "Tell me where you're going to again." "Well, we start with Dublin for a few days, followed by around 3 weeks in Scotland, a few days in London and Paris and then moving on to Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Tokyo." "Wow, can I ask how you financed this all?" "Different ways. We are lucky, because Fin's security business is thriving, so we could invest some money and grow it thanks to intelligent advice. We also spent frugal and could save a bit more. Now we earn the fruits and can afford a really expensive honey moon." Ai, who was a feminist, understood Frieda's reasoning. She was sad her work colleague was leaving. It was going to be a less pleasant work environment without Frieda. Ai still believed Frieda was wasting her talents by quitting.


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