Monday, June 20, 2011

Making Love

This is about a very young Sam. He is trying to find out what making love means and causes some chaos on the way.

Dominic Richards was having his girl friend Kristin Weston on his room. His parents were cool, at least in this regard. His father had taken him aside, when he was twelve to have a talk man to man. At the time Dominic found girls gross and couldn't imagine he wanted to do the things his father told him. Jack Richards had also explained contraception and reinforced how important it was to use a condom, when making love with a girl, not only to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, but also sexually transmitted diseases.
At first Dominic and Kristin had studied for their upcoming math test. It was easy peasy for Dominic, who could juggle formulas and numbers without difficulties. When Kristin's head was swirling, they stopped and turned their attention to making love. They were kissing, at first only short little kisses on the mouth, then their tongues were exploring. Dominic helped Kristin out of her sweater. She was only wearing a bra under it. They continued kissing, Dominic nestled with the clasp. Suddenly Kristin screamed into his ear. At first Dominic thought there had been a spider or something, but she was indicating with her index finger under the writing desk and really there was something or somebody. Dominic, who was light brown haired and had blue eyes, went to investigate. When he looked closer he realized his baby brother Sam was watching fascinated. Dominic bent down and with one pull on Sam's t-shirt had Sam removed from his hiding place. He was angry with his nine year old brother. "What are you doing here?!" "I wanted to know what making love is..." "You're way too young for such stuff!" His brother replied stern. "I don't want you ever in my room without my permission.  You just have broken privacy laws. I have a right to be alone or with anybody I invite to it. If you don't behave I’ll call the police and they are going to take you away!" Dominic threatened. He was nearly eighteen. The threat frightened Sam. He liked living with his parents and siblings, so tears were welling up, when his brother dumped him outside the room. "Dominic, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please don't call the police." "Alright." With a light slap to Sam's rump, Dominic let his brother off. He shook his head, when he turned his attention to Kristin. They tried to continue, where they had stopped, but the lust was gone. Dominic was frustrated.
Sam was still upset, when he found his older sister Brooke in the kitchen. He avoided the bedroom he shared with his other brother Maxwell, who couldn't stand Sam. Brooke was measuring ingredients for a carrot cake she wanted to bake. Brooke was a copy of Dad, only in a softer female version. She had lovely honey colored hair and amber eyes. A look at Sam was enough for her to know something was wrong. "Sam, you just arrived on time. Want to help me?" Sam nodded. Brooke saw the tears in Sam's eyes. "So, what's up, little bro?" Sam told her what he had done. "Dominic is right, when he's angry with you. You shouldn't sneak into other people's rooms and spy on them. Or would you like it, if I would hide under your bed, and watch what you are doing?" Sam shook his head. A tear escaped, because he felt he had disappointed his older siblings. Brooke knelt down and hugged her brother. "Don't worry, Sam, Dominic wasn't serious about calling the police. You definitely stay with us. We all love you very much. What about, when we bake that cake now, and when it's finished you bring two large pieces to Dominic and Kristin? Apologize to both and promise you won't do it again. I'm sure they will overlook your indiscretion." "Sure?" "I'm positive." Brooke behaved strict, but she had problems keeping straight faced and not burst out laughing. She could imaging her uptight brother's face, when he found Sam under the writing desk. Brooke was going to talk with Dominic about his behavior as well. Frightening tactics were never good in her opinion.
They were preparing the batter, when Sam asked: "Brooke?" "Mhm." replied the sixteen year old. "Do you and Tom make love?" Tom was Brooke's boyfriend. Brooke hadn't expected that question. She was honest, though. "Yes." "Is Tom kissing you, too, when making love?" By now Brooke blushed. "Yes." "On the mouth?" Brooke nodded. Her brother was as always inquisitive, and a talk about sex might be earlier in order with him. Brooke made a mental note to speak with Dad about it. "Dominic pulled off Kristin's top. Does Tom the same with you?" "Sometimes." Sam wanted to know why not always, and in order to have sex did one have to be undressed? Brooke explained sometimes she did it herself, sometimes Tom, and one had to be at least partially undressed for sex. "Why?" Brooke replied: "It's depending how urgently you want to make love. Being undressed is more intimate and comfortable than partly clothed." Sam was still a little bit confused about the business, but stopped questioning Brooke.
When the cake was baked Sam helped Brooke with the sugar glazing and decorating it with marzipan carrots.
It took a little bit longer, before Brooke cut two large slices for Kristin and Dominic. "Off you go, Sam, and remember to apologize to both of them." "I won't. Thanks for your help, Brooke." Brooke smiled and said: "You're welcome." While Sam went to his brother's bed room, her sister went into the other direction. Normally she wouldn't have disturbed her father, who was a quite famous painter, but thought Sam's interest should be addressed as soon as possible. Brooke knocked on her father's studio door. "What is it?" an impatient voice answered. Brooke opened the door careful. Her father's studio was south facing and overlooking the garden. Bright light filtered into the room. It smelled of paint, and Brooke liked the place. To make up for the disturbance Brooke had brought along a cup of coffee and a piece of the cake. In short words she told Jack Richards about her conversation with Sam. She left out, that he had shadowed Dominic and Kristin. Both brothers would have been in trouble if she had. Jack promised to have a word with Sam.

In the meantime Sam apologized to Dominic and Kristin. They forgave him, but Dominic didn't forget and remembered even decades later how embarrassed he had been nor that Brooke gave him a lecture how to treat younger siblings.

When Jack had thought about how he was going to broach the subject, he took time off from painting and looked for Sam. Jack found Sam teasing his sister McKenzie, who was four. Sam's father generally didn't get involved in his kids fights, only, if there was a threat of violence.
Jack said stern: "Sam, leave your sister in peace for a moment, I'd like to talk with you." Sam looked up guilty. They were heading for the garden. It was a sunny California day. Strolling was pleasant. "Sam, Brooke told me you have questions about making love. Where does your interest come from?" It seemed Sam had "borrowed" one of Brooke's romance novels. He had been intrigued by one scene and wanted to find out more what this love making was all about. Sam thought Dominic and Kristin were most likely to provide him with an insight. Jack overlooked Sam had taken Brooke's book without permission. Instead he offered to talk to Sam about his own experience. "Well, when I fell the first time in love, I felt butterflies in my tummy and was excited to see the girl. It's quiet normal you want to be intimate with your girlfriend or boyfriend. You touch and kiss. Making love is something very sensual." Jack explained how the male and female sex organs function; how babies are made and again stressed it was important to use contraception. "Did you have butterflies in your stomach, when you met Mom?" "At first not. We were at locker heads, but the better I knew her, the more time I wanted to spend with Mom and make love." Jack left out that sex sometimes hadn't anything to do with love. Before meeting Madeleine, Jack had a reputation as a playboy. She tamed him. Jack wasn't sorry about it one bit. He was in a stable relationship, loved his wife and had six gorgeous kids. What else could one ask for?
Sam was satisfied with the answers his father had given him and understood the meaning of making love, so there was no reason to look further.


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